Highway Retail - For Sale with clear instruction to sell
Cabmon Property in conjunction with Shipman's Real Estate have the pleasure of offering The Running Stream Café
For Sale. - An outstanding opportunity to purchase a country lifestyle, business and freehold property.
Consisting of a commercial / residential building on approximately 2.7 acres of freehold land with, double garage, spacious gardens, plenty of parking and 200 metres of frontage to “The Running Stream”.
Running Stream, is the north western gateway to the World-Famous Capertee Valley in the Mudgee Wine Region approximately two and half hours from Sydney.
The Running Stream Café - presents you an opportunity to have your own hospitality business (Café / Restaurant) whilst working from home.
The building and operations consist of a east facing, light filled dining area with huge windows, open servery, kitchen storeroom, walk-in cool room and freezer, male and female toilets, external dining in the gardens or courtyard with two-bedroom residence to the rear with west facing deck and views over the stream.
Theis could be you next big adventure or tree change with plenty of upside set amongst one of the most beautiful villages and regional NSW.
For more information, please contact Andrew Shipman of Shipmans Real Estate 0 4 2 3 6 9 0 3 3 6 or Peter Seeto of Cabmon Property 0 4 0 0 2 2 2 6 6 6
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